For those of you new to the auteurist scene, Dan's a reknowned critic who can also stake the claim of easily having watched more movies than anyone I know. Haven't seen any of his movies, but I'm guessing that this one will feature some fascinating tension between the acting and the direction. Folks in LA should check it out.
Screenings: Wednesday, September 22 at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Location: EZTV 18th Street Art Complex, 1629 18th St., Suite 6, Santa
Monica (one block north of Olympic Blvd.)
Running time: 64 min.
Introduced by: Bill Krohn, Hollywood correspondent for Cahiers du
Admission: $20, students $15 (to be paid to the Democratic National
RSVP for guaranteed admission to or 310-364-2455